- Download: github.com/ljunkie/plexWatch
- WIKI: rarforge.com/w/index.php/PlexWatch
- Forum: forums.plexapp.com
Notify and Log Now Playing content from a Plex Media Server
Suported Push Notifications
- https://pushover.net (not fully tested - want to gift me the app for iOS/android?)
- https://prowlapp.com (tested)
What it does
- Checks if a video has been started or stopped - log and notify
- Notifies via prowl, pushover and/or a log file
- backed by a sqlite DB (for state and history)
- cli to view history and stats
Perl Requirements
- LWP::UserAgent
- WWW::Curl::Easy
- XML::Simple
- Time::Duration;
- Time::ParseDate;
- Pod::Usage; (perl base on rhel/centos)
- Fcntl qw(:flock); (perl base)
- Getopt::Long; (perl base)
1) sudo wget -P /opt/plexWatch/ https://raw.github.com/ljunkie/plexWatch/master/plexWatch.pl
2) sudo chmod 755 /opt/plexWatch/plexWatch.pl
3) sudo nano /opt/plexWatch/plexWatch.pl
”Modify Variables as needed”:
1 2 3 4 |
1 2 3 4 5 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 |
4) Install Perl requirements
- Debian/Ubuntu - apt-get
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 |
- RHEL/Centos - yum
1 2 |
5) run the script manually to verify it works: /opt/plexWatch/plexWatch.pl
- start video(s)
- stop video(s)
6) sudo nano /etc/crontab