#centos 5.x (must specify freeradius2 otherwrite 1.1.x will be installed)yum install freeradius2 freeradius2-utils
#centos 6.x (2.x branch is default)yum install freeradius freeradius-utils
# ubuntuapt-get install freeradius freeradius-utils
To allow an offsite vendor control of radius, but limit their ability to supply bad radius attribuites.
MAIN issue: ”’Protect your network”’ from disallowing the vendor to supply a misconfigured ”’FRAMED-IP-ADDRESS”’ and/or ”’FRAMED-ROUTE”’ that could be injected into OSPF or whatever routing protocol you might use.
The rlm_attr_filter module exists for filtering certain attributes and values in received ( or transmitted ) radius packets. It gives the server a flexible framework to filter the attributes we send to or receive from home servers or NASes. This makes sense, for example, in an out-sourced dialup situation to various policy decisions, such as restricting a client to certain ranges of Idle-Timeout or Session-Timeout.
Config files
Vendor Name: ”’rarforge.com”’ (we’ll use that for the realm)
Allowed Framed-IP-Address: ”’10.0.0.x”’ and ”’192.168.5.x”’
Allowed Framed-Netmask: ”’”’
Allowed Framed-Route: ”’NONE”’
Framed-Filter-ID: ”’NONE”’ – login will fail if access-list doesn’t exist.
Update your clients secret - for now we will just be testing from localhost.
client localhost {
secret = badsecret
Listen on 21000 for auth
Listen on 21001 for acct
### realm rarforge.com
listen {
ipaddr = *
port = 21000
type = auth
listen {
ipaddr = *
port = 21001
type = acct
This is where we remove/disallow radius attributes from the vendor sent to the client
make sure to keep a close eye on your comments in the config. Remove them if you have parsing errors. Last rule must not end with a comma.
Service-Type =* ANY,
Login-Service =* ANY,
Login-TCP-Port =* ANY,
Framed-Protocol =* ANY,
Framed-Compression =* ANY,
Framed-MTU =* ANY,
Reply-Message =* ANY,
Proxy-State =* ANY,
Session-Timeout =* ANY,
Port-Limit =* ANY,
Idle-Timeout =* ANY,
############ DENY BELOW ####################
# ; comments must begin with '#'-- NO SPACE
# ; ONLY ALLOW 10.0.0.x and 192.168.5.X
Framed-IP-Address =~ "10\.0\.0\.|192\.168\.5\.",
# ; /32 ONLY
Framed-IP-Netmask ==,
# ; LAST
Framed-Filter-ID !* ANY
enable the realm (rarforge.com) to be proxied to the vendors radius auth/acct server
set realm to rarforge.com based on the Destination Port auth/acct port (21000/210001)
This is optional if you require users to be user@realm. In my case, we had users authing with a realm.
authorize {
## rarforge realm
if (Packet-Dst-Port == "21000") {
update control {
Proxy-To-Realm := "rarforge.com"
if (Packet-Dst-Port == "21001") {
update control {
Proxy-To-Realm := "rarforge.com"
Testing Proxy
radtest username <password> localhost:21000 1 badsecret
Sending Access-Request of id 85 to port 21000
User-Name ="username" User-Password ="<password>" NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Port = 1
Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
rad_recv: Access-Accept packet from host port 21000, id=85, length=50
Framed-IP-Address =
Framed-Netmask =
Idle-Timeout = 600
Session-Timeout = 18000
Service-Type = Framed-User
Port-Limit = 1
Verify with radtest you can auth from the server running freeradius to the vendors radius server. It could be firewalled, not in their client list, etc…
try appending your realm to the username username@yourrealmname. Maybe the section in ”’/etc/raddb/sites-enabled/default”’ is not working.